The Story

Years ago in a far away land, my oldest daughter was having a melt down. No one can really remember why, but I'm sure it was something vitally important to her. As those of you who are parents will undoubtedly understand, I didn't know what to say to her in the midst of such an intense personal crisis. Should I scold her? Laugh? Show compassion? Throw my own fit?

In an uncharacteristic moment of calm clarity, I responded simply, "Baby, I know there's happiness in you somewhere. You need to figure out how to Free the Happy." 

I don't know if the statement actually had any impact on her at the time, but my mom heard me say it and loved it. Now, Free The Happy is a catch phrase in our family.

The result, all these years later, is two product lines, Free The Happy and Sydney's Art. Both have arisen from our journey to find happiness and overcome disability.

Life is short and often difficult. Find what makes you happy and do that!

That's our story and we're sticking to it.